Zápis v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 91998, den zápisu 5. března 2003
IČO:26762153 , základní kapitál: 200 000 Kč
- The audit financed, spol. s. r.o. since 2003 , is our company is entered in the list audit firms in the chamber Auditors Czech Republic, number of the certificate 418.
- Our aim is to provide clients comprehensive economic services, and in particular audit activities, tax consultancy services, financial and financial advice.
-Among our clients are corporations, private entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations (municipalities, cities, the contributory organizations, foundations and endowment funds) in Prague, and in the Liberec Region.
-In the lead team our experts is Ing. Ivo Rambousek, the auditor, number of the certificate kačr 1262.